Berks Arts administers funding, in the form of grants from the PA Council on the Arts, for creative businesses located in central Pennsylvania. Berks Arts is located in Berks County and provides arts education, puts supports arts focused fests and events, and help support and grow a thriving arts community.
Berks Arts exists to inspire, engage, and unite our community through arts education, collaboration, and presentation. In everything we do, and support, we seek to make Berks County, PA, a more creative, more desirable, and more resilient community.
Services Area
Lancaster County and Surrounding Counties
Type of Organization
Cost for Services
Types of Services
- Funding
- Growth Strategies
How Services are Delivered
- Networking
- One-on-One
Services Offerings
Creative Entreprenuer Accelorator Program
As a creative entrepreneur, you are a leader on the pathway to recovery and increased opportunity in our rapidly changing environment. The Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator grant program provides creative... Read More
Spring, Summer, Fall, WinterDelivery:
One-on-OneCreative Sector Flex Fund
The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) is excited to introduce a new grant program for non-profit organizations, the Creative Sector Flex Fund (CSFF). This grant program incorporates the current needs of... Read More