The City of Lancaster is a small and diverse city located in the center of Lancaster County. The city boasts a strong downtown core with many locally owned retailers, restaurants, and professional services. The city is made up of neighborhoods with mixed use cores. The municipality tracks local businesses through a business registry and licensing; has a range of services and zoning requirements for local businesses; and provides financing and tax incentives to businesses.
Lancaster’s diverse and vibrant neighborhoods are welcoming places that foster connections among our residents. Residents are actively engaged in the day-to-day life of their neighborhoods in partnership with the City to sustain a strong community with safe and quality housing, public spaces, and facilities.
Services Area
Lancaster City
Type of Organization
Government Entity
Cost for Services
Free, Fee, Scholarships/Subsidized
Types of Services
- Licensing, Insurance, Credentials
- Networking & Events
- Something Else
How Services are Delivered
- Networking
- One-on-One