The City Revitalization & Improvement Zone (CRIZ), created by a state law in 2013, is a special zone that encourages development and revitalization within designated areas in Lancaster City. Eligible businesses have access to apply for financial assistance made possible by the annual capture of state and local taxes. The Lancaster CRIZ Program prioritizes the development of vacant and underutilized properties, catalytic/high economic impact projects, and small business growth.
- Free
- Fee
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
- Winter
- Spanish
- English
- Open to All Industries
Business Stage
- Startup (0-2 years)
- Expansion
- Established (3 years +)
Type of Service
- Funding
Service Delivery
- One-on-One
Other Services Offered by Lancaster City Alliance
Downtown Investment District
The Lancaster Downtown Investment District (DID) is located in the heart of Lancaster City. Property owners in the DID pay for the services and amenities that help to support a vibrant downtown. The red shirt... Read More
Spring, Summer, Fall, WinterDelivery:
Networking, OtherLancaster City Keystone Innovation Zone (KIZ) Program
The Keystone Innovation Zone (KIZ) Program, administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development, is an incentive program that provides tax credits to qualified small businesses in... Read More
Spring, Summer, Fall, WinterDelivery:
One-on-OneLancaster City Monthly Merchant Meeting
The Lancaster City Alliance and Downtown Investment District host a monthly networking special presentation meeting for Lancaster City businesses and community organizations. The meeting is the third Wednesday... Read More